Tuesday 26 April 2016

Rules for Controlling ths Conversation

Running with you the Sales Rep

Yes you have heard this before, but do you implement all the time.

1 As a closer you must direct the client in the direction that will benefit them and you.

2 Control the clients emotions, ie his thinking, and in how he , she answers you.

3 Sometimes the client traps themselves with their own, questions, yep, i see it all the time.

How, why, Guy , you may ask, SIMPLE! USE THE right QUESTIONS

Till next time go sell your way to Success., keep it simple.

Thursday 14 April 2016

How does your Sales Manager stack up

Running with you the Sales Rep

Why do I hear on an on going basis, that Sales leadership, is poor, is it something to do with expectations, or sales culture, or, or???
Yep we know any one can lead a team when all is above the curve, but in hard time's different story.

It is important that you monitor and understand your leader's (or so called leader) behavior, and his habits, and mood swings.

I heard recently, about a new sales manager taking over a team, all he did was "rant and rave" on the war path, hit the panic button I guess he lacks self confidence, has an image issue.

Sales managers need to up their game, big time.

Till next time go sell your way to Success.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Why do reps get bashed most of the Time

Running with you the Sales Rep

What do i mean, many sales gurus in their blogs have goes at reps, i even do from time to time.
Do the reps bring it on themselves, due to their lack of hitting target, lack of following the system, lack of effective personal leadership.
yep i think, know it is due to the above, and the majority of reps fall into the above.
Come on folks go do something about it. go show the world you are the best, yes it is hard work, who cares.

Till next time go Sell Your way to Success