Tuesday, 26 June 2012

You as a BRAND

Running with you the sales reps.

Over the past few years you as a brand has been a buz word, it does however make sense.

So how do you do this, here's how I see it.Focus on the following-
     Self awareness, you need to dig deep to get a handle on this, it sometimes takes years.
     Personal choices, we demand how we should live, not someone else's version,
     Personal characteristics,ie honesty, courage, integrity to name a few to help you be better,
     Personal leadership/discipline, you know what this means,
     Your behaviour, developing this is a key success factor,
     Relationships and how you Communicate.
     Your Time management, most people have 24 hours in a day!
                            ALL quite SIMPLE- right!!!

             SUCCESS, What does this mean to you!

Today being good and competent in your job is not good enough for tomorrow's business world.

          You have to be outstanding and unique, more that a cut above the rest, so go do it, being a sales rep is great, be a positive source of energy.

Till next time, go sell your way to Success.

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