Running with you the Sales Rep.
Most sales reps are given sales targets to achieve for the year, the targets are usually for a 12 month period, (the businesses financial year). So why do I use the above formula, read on.
Lets agree that there are twenty one sales days in the month, for how many months in the year, do you have to sell not 12 months, yep you know the answer.
Lets also agree in the example that there are ten public holidays that fall on work days.So we have the following numbers, 21days x 12 months = 252 days,(to sell to your clients) less 10 days (public holidays)=242 days
You take 15 working days leave a year, 242-15=227days, say you are sick, compassionate leave etc for 5 days, 227-5=222days. Your clients close office for 10 days over Christmas period, 222-10==212days.
So from starting with 252 days you are now down to 212 days.
212 divided by 21 days=10 months .
Then if you spend only 3 hours a day selling, you have, 212 days x 3 =636hours in a year to sell b2b stuff. You then work out what you have to do to use your precious and valuable time, to be a winner, do other reps spend more time selling, do they focus on their best ROE(return on effort).With this you have to factor in travelling time per day, your sales admin time per day(internal meetings,etc)
Yes, we all know this, so why are there so many reps and businesses not achieving, please do not be one of them.
Till next time, go sell your way to Success.
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