Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Are you in your CLIENTS MIND

Running with you the Sales Rep.

You may be thinking what is this all about, here's the deal, you need to PENETRATE/ GET INTO your CLIENTS MIND,

-it is one art of communication that is critical to build very strong RELATIONSHIPS.
 When you communicate do not be overly personal, unless you have know your client for many years, and they understand where you are coming from. Also try not to preach, dictate.

- make your communication positive, focused, and action driven

Remember the key is the way you LEAD your CLIENT to the conclusion you want/need

- your ability to reach out to people and alter, make them review there opinions is the bottom line.

Till next time go Sell your way to Success.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


Running with You the Sales Rep
It would be good of you to mail me at guywdaines@vodamail.co.za, if your are an Outside rep, or in sales admin position, I am doing some research and would like to obtain a feel for my audience, so I can focus my future blogs, I will not put you on my mailing list unless you ok it. Thank you.

So you have just been sent on a training course/seminar, to ensure it was purposeful/worthwhile ask yourself, these questions.

-What specific output would make this training worthwhile
-What would ensure that your time was well spent
-What has been the most valuable to you, yep that word,VALUABLE keeps coming up in my blogs

Go action/ implement ASAP
Till next time go Sell Your way to Success.