Friday, 24 April 2015

FOUR months are HISTORY

Running with you the Sales Rep

So where do you stand after the Jan - April period, yep its gone forever, but does one really think about this, 4 months are history for good, no more coming back.

- So question yourself, did I achieve what I set out to achieve.

Did I improve my skills, and knowledge,
Did I lose any key clients,
Did I take on the RIGHT new clients.
Did I build better relationships,
Did I provide better service to my support team in the office.
Did I do the RIGHT numbers and GP%.

Ask yourself, is your mind in the correct space to be a winner, did you spend to much time with negative people or clients.

Go smash the opposition in the next 4 months, yes you can, you are the Force, you can make it happen. EXCEL, EXCEL.

Till next time go sell Your way to Success. Blog by Kyle Daines