Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Running with you the Sales Rep

We all know some things have changed in sales and some have not?

For 30 years I have been hearing objections from buyers, or people who think they are buyers and want to play funny games, we the Sales Pro know their stalling tactics or simply their untruths.

These are the main objections that have been around for years and years.
- your price is to high
- I am happy with my current supplier
- no budget
- I need to think it over.

Yep and most sales reps have not prepared how to handle these objections, 30 years I have been hearing them, I have a least 4 reply's to the above at any time.

So go up your game, Sales is a Profession so become highly skilled at your game, it is your call.

Till next time go Sell your way to Success.