Running with You the Sales Rep.
As a Rep you may be interested in the undermentioned, if you are a Sales Manager even more so?
Going through my Sales Rep library found this stuff from one of my training notes.
Many businesses often misread the importance of Sales Management role, here's why, some
comments from the field.
- As long as a rep gets results, i don't mind how he gets them?---- how cool is this!
- We pay on results, if a rep doesn't make it they(he or she) soon leave--- not with our labour law in RSA.
- Reps hate paperwork, we have tried to introduce, CRM, online call reports, sales research reports etc, but they don't go along with policy--- Mavericks !!
So management knows it has a responsibility to ensure that-
- the company has a professional sales team- they are the image of the company,
- management needs checks and balances to manage the INTERFACE between Rep and client.
Till next time, go sell your way to Success.
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