Tuesday, 31 July 2012

You and Your Clients

Running with you the Sales Rep

As a pro sales rep, you know that in this different economy, there are shifts and trends,(S and T) the trick is to get a handle on how are these affecting your client and MORE IMPORTANTLY how is it
affecting your Sales into your clients.

So what and how are you going about gathering information, especially "within" your clients business and are you asking the right questions.

It gets down to fully understanding that nearly everything is in a state of change,in my SME blogs I have covered many areas to insure business is not lost. however competition is good, competitors also lose clients.

Put in place your action plan, to "be a Partner with your client", for example-
    - are you feeding you client with your research findings on S and T in their industry, there are many other way's, I hope i have given you improved direction on this subject.

Till next time, Go sell you way to Success.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Your Influence vs Your Performance

Running with you the Sales Rep.

I have just spent a few days in Johannesburg, meeting with clients and attending sales meetings, positive energy is generally the order of the day, good motivator for me. but while waiting for my flight pulled a magazine and saw this in an article-

"The Belief that Sales is mainly about Relationships is Outdated" this from a managing director and coach, well up to you to agree or disagree, I disagree.
To have a positive and significant INFLUENCE on others and on your PERFORMANCE, your relationships need to be the solid foundation.In the article it also stated customers are looking for direction on how to grow business and manage over heads- they are TOO BUSY to focus on relationships, you know my view?????

Then in a FORBES article 2nd July a comment" busy being busy executives trying to justify their existence" .In a post I did on the 12th June in my blog for sme owners," who really cares how busy you are, manage time, not your time management"

So influence is more about who and what you influence in your day, if it is positive then good ,great performance should follow.

Each day be aware of the power of your Influence be conscious of it, believe me it has great power.

Till next time, Go sell your way to Success.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Not all Clients are Created Equal

Running with you the Sales Reps

You know that all prospect's won't appeal to you and visa versa, so it is critical that your research/homework is on it's game,will save you so much back end hassles.
I agree it takes alot of discipline to only attract the right type of clients, some are referred to you ,you may take over some when you are new to a company.

So what do you set as your guiding principles in "attracting the right clients".
      First step define what is the right client, I spoke earlier about back end hassles, which to me, are they good payers, are they profitable, are they high or low maintenance, is there potential to grow business from them, do they have similar values.
      Having said the above do you have a choice in the matter?
So many businesses( there are exceptions to the rule) just take on any type of client, just get sales, get sales,! rubbish. For 30 years I have witnessed, many reps and businesses focus on Attracting the right Clients. It can be done.

Till next time, go Sell your way to Success.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Manage Sales Fatigue

Running with you the Sales Reps,

Hopefully most of you don't suffer from sales fatigue, or is it sales stress, or sales pressure. If you do here's a few ways to stay on your game.

How do you have and create fun at work, you spend some much time working you need to have this as part of your sales plan, next which high potential clients do you really, really enjoy,make plans to
to have regular contact with them.
Keep fresh by doing a different type of self development, attack some project that has fear written all over it, yes might seem weird, it can work.
Here's one that I did all the time, when it is my birthday, or my wife's or son's I would take the day off.( As a manager I gave my staff the day of on their birthday, no leave form had to be filled in, if the day was on a Saturday or Sunday, then Friday or Monday were taken off)

Here's a few other ideas from my Inspired Sales Insights booklet,
         Session 15,  -are you building your personal brand,
                             -how we think is how we are,
                             -work on your behaviour and habits.
(These three points were covered in more depth in an earlier post of mine)

Till next time, go sell your way to Success.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Your Relationship Model/B2B

Running with you the Sales Rep.

Your company may have the above in place, but how have you adjusted it for you.

Once you have won over a new client, what do you put in place to ensure they stay with you, to win them it could have been for the following reasons.
-Timing, client "needed" a change,
-From your presentation-how you sold yourself,
-From your networking, being referred, is 90% deal closed!
-The power of your company's Brand/Image,
-Your solutions to your clients problems,
              -Oh YES I nearly forgot on Price!

NOW how are you going to retain them, hopefully these are in your Relationship Model,

-How quickly do you establish Trust,
-What promotional tools do you use,
-If you won them on price, will this always be the basis for the relationship and ongoing business!!
-Do you have some form of loyalty programme in place,
-What are you doing to make the client feel Very comfortable dealing with YOU the Sales Pro,

The bottom line is the longer your client is with you, the better the relationship should be, but the harder it is to be on your game!-you know why.

Till next time go sell your way to Success.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Sales Rep as your OWN Business

Running with you the Sales Reps.

As a Sales Pro you run your own business, most bosses try to have this as your mind set, and they are right, but do they show you and train you Why,and How.

If not here's a few guidelines.

You all have a client base, have you really analysed it, yes need to be aware of the 80/20% rule, but forget listing your clients as A,B, or C, better High, Medium, Low, potential( you decide the sales value amount)
-Next,list the key objective to achieve,
-Then, how's your sales plan looking,
-Follow this,with sales activities and actions.
-Then implement controls and monitoring steps.

-How do you reward loyal clients and how do you define them

Sure you need to be creative with regards the above, I do have a detailed model.

By implementing the above you will achieve,
-Higher sales productivity,
-More stable client base,
-Increased income,
-Improved focus on YOUR business priorities,
-Improved personal growth.

Till next time, go sell your way to Success.

Friday, 6 July 2012


Running with you the Sales Reps.

Storytelling seems to be the buz word, to me it has been used for many years, both within the business and selling to clients b2b,(face to face selling).

It needs to be part of one's approach, whether a sales manager trying to motivate reps or getting the client, new prospect to buy from you.

Any rep worth his or her salt should be using this as standard, most top achieving reps will see the benefits, simple your competitor reps will be doing the same, why, there is so much information on this subject. It is nothing really new, the HOW you use, go about it is the trick.

Recently I was at a client sales meeting, 6 reps, we spent time chatting about what can make us different, to close new prospects, 40% of their sales come from "new", new clients.
Within an hour they came up with some great stuff, you, we need to bring a fresh, different approach, most of the time. The next step was cost to implement and action date, easy.

While on this subject, Testimonial selling is also a standard approach.The bottom line is HOW YOU the rep compete, just to be in the game, so go look closely at your game plan, YOU will make it happen.

Till next time, go sell your way to Success.

Monday, 2 July 2012

What do YOU enjoy about the Sales Game

Running with you the Sales Reps

Recently I asked via the sales groups that I am connected with on Linkedin( quite a few groups, connect with me if you would like to, great to network) the above question, thank you for your response.Focus was on two things one enjoy's.

Some interesting feed back,

-convincing new clients to buy my product,
-freedom and flexibility,
-uncapped income and financial freedom,
-developing new relationships,
-helping clients find solutions to their problems,
-making customer happy, and then I am happy,
-come across new ideas, new ways to do things,
-pleasure of acheivment,
-the challenge of closing a difficult client,
-finding the right solution for my client,
-free to manage my time.

To name a few.

So we have 6 months left in our sales year, what are the 5 key areas you want to work on, to be better positioned as a Sales Pro, maybe it is some off these,

-study your client more,notice and remember the details,
-would your clients really miss you,
-keep challenging yourself to be open to new ideas,
-improve your focus,
-make more face to face contact with your clients.

Till next time ,go sell your way to Success